3 Lessons We All Know But Keep Forgetting for Some Reasons
A 16-year-old’s note to himself, and to you guys
This article may look pessimistic or as if I am depressed, but I am not. It’s just a combination of life lessons and learnings from books.
These things sometimes seem the easiest task to do, and at the very next moment might seem like an impossible assignment altogether. So it becomes very important to always remind ourselves of these small yet significant habits.
It might be hard; it might be easy. But we can always try.
There’s nothing new in this article. You know all the things which I am going to talk about below, I’m sure. This article is more of a friendly reminder than anything else. Let’s go!
Saying ‘No’
I am currently regretting one of my decisions. What did I do? I lent my friend some money. And now even when I have money, I don’t have money, as he is not returning.